continuing this research. A total of €4 million will be available to it in the coming four years, with €1.9 million of that amount going to the groups working at GSI. 22.11.2017 Professor Gerhard Kraft , the
endowed with 1,000 Euro. The bestowal by GENCO president Professor Dr. Christoph Scheidenberger and vice-president Professor Dr. Nasser Kalantar-Nayestanaki took place on Thursday, March 1, 2017 in a special
is called ConfigTS.V2, it must be configured (Outlook, network drives, printer, desktop) after the 1st call. Your network drive s, which you have connected in your desktop Windows profile, can also be [...] C:\users\ your_username \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Signatures (the directory is only created after the 1st start of Outlookt) Printing on a private device The own printers e.g. in the home office can be reached
publications to the Programe Matter and Universe : 251 2017 all PhDs to the Programme Matter and Universe : 1 2017 all WOS or SCOPUS listed publications to the Programe From Matter to Materials and Life : 183 2017
KVSF-Ehrenmedaille für Prof. Dr. Maria Blettner Am 1. März 2018 wurde Frau Prof. Blettner auf ihrem Farewell-Symposium anlässlich ihrer Emeritierung mit der KVSF-Ehrenmedaille für ihre herausragenden
primarily from your request. Legal requirements (Art. 6 (1) sentence 1 lit. c GDPR): GSI is subject to various legal obligations. These include: 3.1 Retention requirements under commercial and tax law in [...] you are entitled under data protection law. 1. Name and address of the person responsible GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH Planckstraße 1 64291 Darmstadt Germany Phone: +49-6159-71-0 [...] context, the processing is lawful if one of the following conditions is met: Consent (Art. 6 (1) sentence 1 lit. a GDPR): The lawfulness for the processing of personal data is given in case of consent for
Wed, September 18, 2024 | 2 p.m. Kleinplaneten-Entdeckungen des Physikalischen Vereins Frankfurt Erwin Schwab, GSI/FAIR Registration and further information