and dynamics, and the investigation of astrophysical reaction rates. Division leaders are Prof. Dr. Thomas Aumann (head of division) and Dr. Haik Simon (deputy leader). Full memebers list can be found here
Walter SC Magnets & Testing / SCM Frey, Michael Ring RF / RRF Friedrich, Thomas Radiobiological Modelling / LEM Friedrich, Thomas Biophysics / BIO bio-sekretariat @ Friese, Volker CBM / CBM a.zimbelius [...] sekretariat-nustar @ Mühle, Carsten Engineering / ENG Neff, Thomas Nuclear Astrophysics & Structure / KNA g.menge @ Neff, Thomas Coordination Theory GSI / THE g.menge @ Oeftiger, Adrian [...] Sturm, Christian CBM Experiment Area / CBE a.zimbelius @ Stöhlker, Thomas HI Jena / HIJ l.wunderlich @ Stöhlker, Thomas Atomic, Quantum & Fundamental Physics / ATP l.wunderlich @ Sugita
Electron Lens for Space Charge Compensation at GSI K. Schulte-Urlichs, D. Ondreka, P.J. Spiller, K.I. Thoma, M. Droba, T. Dönges, O. Meusel, H. Podlech Proceedings of IPAC (2022) Bangkok, Thailand Status of [...] SIS18 K. Schulte-Urlichs, S. Artikova, D. Ondreka, P. J. Spiller, M. Droba, O. Meusel, H. Podlech, K. Thoma, P. Apse-Apsitis, I. Steiks Proceedings of IPAC (2021) Campinas, SP, Brazil Design and Beam Dynamics
as electronic technician for devices and systems. The training was supervised by the instructors Thomas Schiemann and Holger Becht respectively. Both graduates would like to expand their professional
13:00 Seminarraum Theorie Mechanisms of joint destruction in rheumatoid arthritis Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Pap, Institut für Experimentelle Muskuloskelettale Medizin (IEMM), Universitätsklinikum Münster 07 [...] 15:00 Seminarraum Theorie RBE of charged particles and ultrasoft X-rays: Clustering of SSB and DSB Thomas Friedrich, GSI 25.04.2013 15:00 Seminarraum Theorie Toward an experimental validation of LEM mechanistic
Arbeiten an Telefonanlagen und dem IT-Netzwerk fallen nicht in den Aufgabenbereich von GAT-ETE. Leitung: Thomas Brühne Telefon: +49 6159 71-2112 Mobil: +49 174 3281487 PSA: 2561 Ort: C27.1.022 Werkstatt-Leitung
jury of experts. The winner was the design “Entschleunigtes Teilchen — the FCC meteor” by Atelier Thomas Stricker. Stricker's design impressed with its use of copper and its symbolic representation of the
die stimmt!”. The guests were welcomed by Jutta Leroudier from the Public Relations Department and Thomas Neff from the Theory Department, who was also a participant in the Chemistry Olympiad more than 30
Wed, September 18, 2024 | 2 p.m. Kleinplaneten-Entdeckungen des Physikalischen Vereins Frankfurt Erwin Schwab, GSI/FAIR Registration and further information