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On the occasion of the completion of the SIS100 series dipole magnets there was a small celebration. .
Another decisive step has been taken on the way to completion of the large ring accelerator SIS100, the heart of the future accelerator center FAIR: The production of all 110 superconducting dipole magnets for the new heavy ion accelerator with a circumference of 1.1 kilometers has been completed, as have the corresponding cold tests at the final operating temperature of -269 degrees.

GSI/FAIR have signed the Diversity Charta.
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung and Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe GmbH (FAIR GmbH) have signed the "Diversity Charter". Thereby, GSI/FAIR is committed to an organizational culture of diversity that is free of prejudice.

ALICE ITS Outer Barrel Installation
New measurements by the ALICE collaboration show that the way charm quarks form hadrons in proton-proton collisions differs significantly from expectations based on electron collider measurements. The ALICE research department at GSI was substantially involved in the measurement and evaluation of the results.

Dr. Dr. Jannifer Ngo-Anh is the new ESA coordinator responsible for implementing the ESA-FAIR cooperation.
In the joint cooperation between the European Space Agency ESA and the international accelerator center FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research GmbH), which is currently being built at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt, there is a new ESA coordinator responsible for implementing the ESA-FAIR cooperation. Jennifer Ngo-Anh, who holds doctorates in medicine and neuroscience, succeeds astronaut Thomas Reiter, who recently retired. On FAIR side, Dr. Corinna Kausch…

View of the GSI ring accelerator SIS18.
It is a strong alliance for research in the fight against cancer, opening the way for exciting new developments. On one hand, the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt with its worldwide unique accelerator facilities and the cancer therapy with ion beams developed here. On the other hand, the biopharmaceutical and translational research institute TRON in Mainz with its highly specialized oncology research.

•	Dr. Rahul Singh (left) at the GSI linear accelerator UNILAC with his colleague Dr. Shahab Sanjari.
GSI scientist Dr. Rahul Singh was awarded a Research Fellowship “Visiting Advanced Joint Research (VAJRA) Faculty Scheme”. In this context, he received an invitation to spend several months of research in India within a year funded by the Indian government. At the Inter-University Accelerator Center (IUAC) in New Delhi, he will research on the field of longitudinal beam optics and diagnostics for High Current Injector (HCI) development together with collaborators from IUAC.

Setup for the carbon ion FLASH experiment.
It could become a breakthrough for future tumor treatments with heavy ions and pave new ways: In the current experiment period FAIR-Phase 0, the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung and the future accelerator center FAIR succeeded in performing a carbon ion FLASH experiment for the first time. The scientists involved were able to achieve the very high dose rates required and to irradiate tumors. The success was a collective effort of the GSI Biophysics Department and the accelerator…
