The FAIR news are kindly hosted by GSI.

•	Dr. Rahul Singh (left) at the GSI linear accelerator UNILAC with his colleague Dr. Shahab Sanjari.
GSI scientist Dr. Rahul Singh was awarded a Research Fellowship “Visiting Advanced Joint Research (VAJRA) Faculty Scheme”. In this context, he received an invitation to spend several months of research in India within a year funded by the Indian government. At the Inter-University Accelerator Center (IUAC) in New Delhi, he will research on the field of longitudinal beam optics and diagnostics for High Current Injector (HCI) development together with collaborators from IUAC.

Setup for the carbon ion FLASH experiment.
It could become a breakthrough for future tumor treatments with heavy ions and pave new ways: In the current experiment period FAIR-Phase 0, the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung and the future accelerator center FAIR succeeded in performing a carbon ion FLASH experiment for the first time. The scientists involved were able to achieve the very high dose rates required and to irradiate tumors. The success was a collective effort of the GSI Biophysics Department and the accelerator…

On the same place where the groundbreaking ceremony was held a few years ago, a decisive step has now been reached: The structural work for the SIS100 is completed.
It is a central part of the future accelerator center FAIR, currently being built in international collaboration at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum in Darmstadt, and at the same time the heart of one of the largest construction projects for research worldwide: the large underground FAIR ring accelerator SIS100 on the northern FAIR construction site with a circumference of 1,100 meters. On the same place where the groundbreaking ceremony was held a few years ago, representing the start of the building…

The EUROPIUM group has combined theoretical astrophysical simulations with observations of the oldest stars in our Galaxy and in dwarf galaxies.
A physics research team led by the TU Darmstadt has discovered the highest ever observed europium content in stars. The results of the EUROPIUM group led by Professor Almudena Arcones from the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung and TU Darmstadt, who was awarded a grant by the European Research Council, has now been published in "The Astrophysical Journal". Co-authors are Dr. Moritz Reichert (member of EUROPIUM) and Dr. Camilla Hansen from the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy,…

Professor Achim Schwenk of Technical University Darmstadt
Achim Schwenk, Professor of Physics at the Technical University (TU) Darmstadt and Max Planck Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg, has been awarded a prestigious Advanced Grant by the European Research Council (ERC). His research project "Exploring the Universe through Strong Interactions" (EUSTRONG) will be funded with around 2.3 million euros over a period of five years. This is already the second ERC grant for Professor Schwenk.

The central tower crane for the south construction site was recently assembled.
It can lift loads up to 32 tons, measures more than 67 meters in height and offers a cantilever of up to 80 meters in length: The central tower crane for the south construction area recently assembled on the FAIR construction site is really huge. It serves one of the largest construction projects for research worldwide, the international accelerator center FAIR, which is currently under construction at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt. Currently, further major…

Participant Sofia at Girls'Day 2021
GSI and FAIR participated in the Germany-wide day of action Girls'Day on April 22. Due to the Corona pandemic, the Girls'Day took place as a video conference in which 90 girls participated. For GSI and FAIR, this is a new participation record; additionally, due to the online format, there was also a chance for participants living far away all over Germany to take part in the event.

Screenshot from the video tour — large detector HADESS
As there is a lot of interest in the online visits at GSI and FAIR, the popular offer will be continued: The next date is April 8 (Thursday) at 2 pm; further dates are in preparation and will be published on our homepage. The live moderated events offer a comprehensive insight into current research and the experimental facilities at GSI/FAIR and allow individual questions to be asked, which will be answered by the presenters. Also included is an exclusive view at the mega construction site for…

Photo: C. Pomplun, GSI
Our now published issue No. 19 of our GSI/FAIR magazine "target" shows the diversity of our scientific work. Research on tumor therapy, superheavy elements, black holes and exotic nuclear states in collaboration with many partner institutions is expanding our knowledge of our world and our cosmos true to our motto: the universe in the laboratory.
