Das Duale Studium bei GSI
In addition to the usual training, GSI also offers the opportunity to combine a degree programme with a job in our specialist departments. This career path has become increasingly popular in recent years, as the advantages of practical training can be combined with an academic degree.
GSI maintains several cooperation agreements with universities for practice-integrated degree programmes. This means that students are supervised at GSI during the lecture-free period and sometimes work on their own projects, while the theory is regularly taught at the universities during the lecture period.
The dual study at GSI
In addition to the usual apprenticeship, GSI also offers the possibility to combine a study with a job in our specialized departments. This career path gained increasing popularity in recent years, as the advantages of a practical apprenticeship can be combined with an academic degree.
GSI has so-called cooperation agreements with several universities of applied sciences about practice-integrated study courses. This means that students are supervised at GSI during the lecture-free period and partly work on their own projects, while the theory is regularly taught at the universities of applied sciences during the lecture period.
Cooperation agreements exist for the following study programs:
Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University:
- Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) Occupational Safety (German: Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) Arbeitssicherheit)
- Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) Radiation Protection (German) Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) Strahlenschutz
Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences:
- Computer Science - dual (Bachelor´s degree)
- Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) Computer Science dual (KESS)
- Bachelor of Science (B. Eng.) Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (KoSE) (only in german)
Hochschule Worms University of Applied Sciences:
- Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) International Logistics Management
- Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) Business Computing
Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen - University of Applied Sciences:
Contact person in the Human Resources Department is:
- Lilli Maier-Mancin l.maier-mancin(at)gsi.de or 06151 - 71 1588