Wanted: Helping hands for Christmas party

We are looking for helping hands for:

If you would like to help, but the times or similar do not suit you, please send us an e-mail to festkomitee(at)gsi.de.

Please also send us an e-mail if you would like to help with set-up or dismantling. This starts on 12.12 and 13.12.2024 from 07.00 am.

Mulled wine stand set-up


The mulled wine stand set-up starts at 1.30 pm.

The tasks are:

  • Check and set up the mulled wine and punch containers:
    • Check that the tap is properly fixed inside and that the nut on the inside of the container is well tightened.
    • Switch on and fill the container.
  • Set up the stand:
    • Place cups to the side, empty a cup basket and prepare for cup return
    • Place mulled wine and punch canisters alternately at the back,
    • Lay out sponge cloths in front of the mulled wine container and on the counter, bring cash register(s) for the counter.

Schicht für Glühweinstand-Aufbau/ Shift for mulled wine stand set-up

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Serving mulled wine and dismantling


There are 4 shifts for serving mulled wine and dismantling, each lasting 1 hour.

  • 1st shift serving 14.30 - 15.30 (already occupied)
  • 2nd shift serving 15.30 - 16.30 (already occupied)
  • 3rd shift serving 16.30 - 17.30
  • 4th shift serving and dismantling 5.30 - 6.30 pm

The last shift has the task of gradually taking containers, dirty and clean cups and the remaining punch and mulled wine bottles to the side room canteen.

Schichten für Glühweinstand (draußen)/ Shifts for mulled wine stand (outside)

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Cake receiving


The cake receiving starts at 12.00 pm in the side room of the canteen.

The tasks are

  • Accepting cakes
  • Distribute cakes on pizza plates (as cake platters) so that cake donors can take their cake containers straight back with them.
  • Labelling the cakes
  • cut to size if necessary.
  • Cut the pieces of the additionally purchased cakes in half

Schicht für Kuchenannahme/ Shift for cake receiving

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Cake buffet


At the cake buffet there are 3 shifts of 1.5 hours each.

The tasks for all shifts are

  • Topping up the cake
  • Replenishing tea bags, milk, sugar, stirrers
  • Tidying up the buffet
  • Returning crockery to the normal return (dishwashing line and trolley)
  • 1st shift set-up and serving 1.30 - 3.00 pm
    • Additional tasks:
      • Set up the buffet: Setting up cake plates and cups, coffee containers and tea water at corners, napkins, tea bags, milk, sugar, stirrers and cake forks, mandarins, apples, nuts and biscuits, Christmas paper plates with biscuits and gingerbread. Please provide donation boxes ONLY (do not walk around with them - they are voluntary donations)
  • 2nd shift distribution 3.00 - 4.30 pm
  • 3rd shift distribution and dismantling 4.30 - 6.00 pm
    • Additional tasks:
      • Bring empty pizza plates to the normal return point
      • Clear away clean crockery, remaining napkins, tea bags, milk, sugar, stirrers

Schichten für Kuchenbuffet (drinnen)/ Shifts for cake buffet (indoors)

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The decoration of the canteen dining room starts at 1.00 pm.

The tasks are

  • Backing tables if necessary
  • wipe tables
  • decorate

Schicht für Dekoration/ Shift for decoration

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Notes on booking appointments


After you have entered your details when making your reservation, you will receive an e-mail confirming your reservation. You must confirm your reservation in this e-mail and will then receive another confirmation e-mail.

Only then is the shift booked.

If you have not received an e-mail after one hour at the latest, the reservation has not worked.

Please also check your spam folder.

If you have any questions, you can contact the festival committee.

