Materials Research Program Advisory Committee (Mat-PAC)

GSI/FAIR have established a Materials Research Program Advisory Committee (Mat-PAC) that evaluates experiment proposals in the area of materials research. The Mat-PAC members give advice to the GSI/FAIR directorate on selecting experiment proposals that are submitted by individual users or user groups, currently for the FAIR-Phase 0 program. Following periodic calls for proposals, the Mat-PAC meets to evaluate experiment proposals on the basis of scientific merit and technical feasibility and with regard to the GSI/FAIR strategy, and makes recommendations on the amount of beam time to be allotted.

GATE platform

Since 2021 we are using a new platform for proposal and user management: The General Access Tool to the Experimental facilities of GSI / FAIR (GATE). 

Registration to GATE under:

GATE Short Manual for Users: here

Registration in GATE is possible independant of an open 'Call' at any time and registered users will be informed on new 'Calls'. So it is advisable for interested users to register any time.

All (!) participants of a proposal and experimentalists coming on-site for the experiment need to be registered in GATE (and allow being visible for other users' search in GATE).


Members of the Mat-PAC

  • William J. Weber (Chair)
    University of Tennessee, USA
  • Hermann Rothard
    GANIL, France
  • N.N.
  • N.N.

Mat-PAC Scientific Secretary

Dr. Ina Schubert

GSI, Darmstadt

Phone: +49-6159-71 2033

contact by E-Mail to: I.Schubert(at)


Next Mat-PAC Meeting

Date of the next Mat-PAC06 Meeting: to be announced (planned for May 2025)

Recent Mat-PAC Meetings

Mat-PAC05, September 20-21, 2022: Documents of the meeting (for Mat-PAC members only)

Mat-PAC04, June 16/17, 2020: Documents of the meeting (for Mat-PAC members only)

Mat-PAC03, September 19/20, 2017: Documents of the meeting (for Mat-PAC members only)

Mat-PAC02, November 15/16, 2010: Agenda Mat-PAC02

Mat-PAC01, March 12/13, 2009

User Services

Information for Users on services and beam time can be found on the Users' Webpages.  

Central point of contact for associated guests and users on campus is the Welcome Office.


General Data Protection Regulation GDPR (according to Art. 13 and 14 DSGVO): Staff Management Board GDPR english
