Workshop on Advanced Laser and Mass Spectroscopy
ALMAS-1: Innovative Physics Ideas

Dear Colleagues!

A Workshop on advanced nuclear physics from laser spectroscopy and mass spectrometry will be held on 19th and 20th October 2006. It will take place at the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI) in Darmstadt, Germany.

Objectives and Topics

Aim of the workshop is the presentation and discussion of innovative physics ideas as well as novel experimental methods for new experiments applying laser spectroscopy and mass measurements to be performed on new and upgraded facilities, particularly the future FAIR facility at GSI. The workshop should serve for discussions between theoretical and experimental physicists to identify cases where experiments are highly demanded and of great interest.

Participation and Registration

The workshop will have 8 sessions in two days. Only invited presentations will be given. No abstracts will be requested or will be made available. A collection of slides presented will be made available after the workshop.

Among the speakers who confirmed their participations are J. Äystö, G. Bollen, T. Buervenich, P. Campbell, R. Casten, P. Dendooven, F. Iachello, P.v.Isacker, D. Jakovlev, H.-J. Kluge, D. Lunney, P. Müller, G. Neyens, A. Ozawa, M. Riskin, H. Schatz and P. Walker. A detailed schedule will be given in a second circular.

Local Organizing Committee

  • Klaus Blaum (Chairman), University Mainz
  • Hans Geissel, GSI, Darmstadt
  • Christopher Geppert, GSI, Darmstadt
  • Frank Herfurth, GSI, Darmstadt
  • Yuri A. Litvinov, GSI, Darmstadt
  • Wilfried Nörtershäuser, University Mainz
  • Yuri Novikov, PNPI, St. Petersburg
  • Wolfgang Quint, GSI, Darmstadt
  • Christoph Scheidenberger, GSI, Darmstadt
  • Phil Walker, University Surrey


Workshop Program

Here you can download the talks of the workshop as pdf files.

 Thursday, 19/10

Session 1: Introduction
Chair: H. Geissel
Talk 1: P. Walker
Status of ILIMA
Talk 2: F. Herfurth
Status of MATS (pdf, 2.15 MB) 
Talk 3: W. Nörtershäuser
Status of LaSpec (pdf, 1.05 MB)
Talk 4: H.-J. Kluge
Ultrahigh precision mass-spectrometry (pdf, 6.55 MB)
Session 2: Masses
Chair: H. Geissel
Talk 5: P. v. Isacker
Masses of atomic nuclei far from stability (pdf, 2.04 MB)
Talk 6: R. Casten
Why we need precise mass measurements for nuclear structure? (pdf, 1.31 MB)

Contribution of F. Iachello:
Shape phase transitions and nuclear masses (pdf, 101 KB)
Session 3: Laser Spectroscopy
Chair: K. Wendt
Talk 7: R. Neugart
Trends in nuclear charge radii - Hot topics in the future
Talk 8: P. Campbell
High-spin isomers: What we can learn from laser spectroscopy (pdf, 10.7 MB)
Talk 9: P. Müller
New opportunities in on-line laser spectroscopy - neutral atoms traps and an intense Cf-252 source (pdf, 1.69 MB)
Session 4: Beam Preparation
Chair: K. Wendt
Talk 10: G. Bollen
A cyclotron for the thermalization and fast extraction of energetic and intense rare isotope beams (pdf, 2.08 MB)
Talk 11: D. Lunney
The ion circus: a tabletop, mass selective, circular trap (pdf, 3.77 MB)
Talk 12: P. Dendooven
Superfluid helium and cryogenic noble gases as stopping media for ion catchers (pdf, 2.99 MB)

 Friday, 20/10

Session 5: Theory
Chair: Y. Novikov
Talk 13: H.-D. Krämer
FAIR -Status and perspectives (pdf, 2.86 MB)
Talk 14: T. Bürvenich
Recent developments in nuclear energy functionals (pdf, 6.28 MB)
Session 6: Astrophysics
Chair: Y. Novikov
Talk 15: G. Pinedo
Nuclear masses for explosive nucleosynthesis (pdf, 2.17 MB)
Talk 16: H. Schatz
Nuclear Masses in Astrophysics (pdf, 3.19 MB)
Talk 17: V. Yakovlev
Pycnonuclear reaction (pdf, 4.51 MB)
Session 7: New Developments
Chair: E. Roeckl
Talk 18: Y. Litvinov
Decay of single ions in ESR (pdf, 2.68 MB)
Talk 19: J. Äystö
Trap-assisted spectroscopy (pdf, 1.59 MB)
Talk 20: I. Arai
Isochronous Ring at RIKEN (pdf, 2.04 MB)
Session 8: New Phenomena
Chair: E. Roeckl
Talk 21: S. Hofmann
Study of superheavy nuclei (pdf, 3.04 MB)
Talk 22: P. Walker
Exotic isomeric states (pdf, 539 KB)
Talk 23: E. Drukarev
Meson condensation in nuclei 
