Diploma- and PhD-Theses System Design SIS100/SIS18
(Developed from- and in Cooperation- with System Design SIS100/SIS18-Employees)
- Energy Efficient Beam Transfer Channels for High Energy Particle Accelerators
Master-Thesis P. Gardlowski, TU Darmstadt 2016, 83 Pages;
- Predictions on the Electrical Pulse Load for the FAIR Accelerator Operation (German)
Bachelor-Thesis P. Gardlowski, TU Darmstadt 2013, 43 Pages;
- Minimierung der systematischen Anfangsverluste im SIS18 (German)
Dissertation Y. El Hayek, JWG-Universität Ffm 2013, 119 Pages;
- Orts- und zeitaufgelöste Simulation strahlinduzierter dynamischer Vakuumeffekte in Schwerionensynchrotrons (German)
Dissertation P. Puppel, JWG-Universität Ffm 2012, 87 Pages;
- Design and Optimization of the Lattice of the Superconducting Synchrotron SIS300 for Slow Extraction
Dissertation Á. Saá Hernández, JWG-Universität Ffm 2011, 174 Pages;
- Optimierung der Multiturn-Injektion im SIS18 (German)
Masterthesis Y. El-Hayek, TU Darmstadt 2009, 59 Pages;