One floor above the accelerator tunnel, a so-called "RF gallery" is located. It has a length of about 100 m and houses multi-staged RF power amplifiers and power suppies. These systems provide pulsed RF power to the accelerating cavities. The facility consists of different sections:
- HSI (High Current Injector)
- HLI (High Charge State Injector)
- A (Alvarez)
- ER (Single-Gap Resonators)
- BB (Buncher)
Operating frequency of the amplifiers: 36.136 or 108.408 MHz.
Operating mode: 50 Hz, with variable duty cycle.
The power supply units of the power amplifiers include individual power supplies (e.g. for filament heating or anode voltage generation) and provide voltages of up to 25 kV and currents of up to 1000 A.
The power spectrum reaches from 2.2 kW (solid state amplifiers) to 2 MW (vacuum tube amplifiers) pulsed RF power.
The overall systems include open-loop and closed-loop control systems for stabilizing the supply voltages and the frequency, amplitude, and phase of the output signals.
These components may either be controlled remotely (by the accelerator control system) or manually (for maintenance purposes).