RF Systems Existing ring RF systems are in operation in the following accelerator facilities: Heavy Ion Synchrotron ( German : "Schwerionensynchrotron" ) SIS18 Experimental Storage Ring ESR CRYRING. S
Activities In addition to the operation of the existing SIS18, ESR, and Cryring cavities , the ring RF department is working on numerous development projects. Some of these projects are listed in the
Safety technical contact: Stefan Götte Three main hazards occur at PHELIX: intense laser radiation (the laser bay can be seen as a walk-in laser of class 4), high voltage applied at the pre-amplifier,
Social counselling Service (EAP) As an employee 1) you have the possibility to take benefit of a social counselling service free of charge. This EAP expert counselling is offered by the ias group. EAP
Reinräume Technischer Kontakt: Dirk Reemts Für den Aufbau und den Betrieb des PHELIX Lasersystems, seiner Hauptkomponenten, seiner Strahlführungssysteme und der Experimentierplätze werden höchste Anfo
PHELIX laser facility Technical contact: Stefan Götte Overview The P etawatt H igh- E nergy L aser for Heavy I on E X periments (PHELIX) is a versatile laser facility delivering intense laser beams wi
Nanosecond Frontend technical contact: Udo Eisenbarth The nanosecond frontend allows generating laser pulses with durations between 700 ps and 10 ns with programmable pulse shapes. The first system co
Wed, October 30, 2024 | 2 p.m. Superschwere Elemente – Künstliche Elemente am Ende des Periodensystems Michael Block, GSI/FAIR Registration and further information