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The new accelerator facility FAIR is under construction at GSI. Learn more.
Michael Witthaus Electronics Development Telefon: +49-6159-71-1481 Room: BR3 1.160 Email: m.witthaus(at)
Wolfgang Kaufmann Electronics Development Telefon: +49-6159-71-2288 Room: BR3 1.157 Email: w.kaufmann(at)
Kevin Lang Electronics Development Telefon: +49-6159-71-2288 Room: BR3 1.157 Email: k.lang(at)
Hans Rödl HEBT Instruments Telefon: +49-6159-71-2312 Room: BR3 1.119 Email:
Christoph Wetzel Ring Instruments Telefon:+49-6159-71-2312 Room: BR2 1.150a
Jörg Wießmann Electronics Development Telefon: +49-6159-71 2312 Room: BR3 1.119 Email: j.wiessmann(at)
Christoph Krüger Electronics Development Telefon: +49-6159-71-1409 Room: BR3 1.119 Email: c.krueger(at)
Christoph Dorn Mechanics and Infrastructure Telefon: +49-6159-71-2318 Room: BR3 1.162 Email: c.dorn(at)
Horst Graf Mechanics and Infrastructure Telefon:+49-6159-71-2309 Room: BR2 1.116 Email: ho.graf(at)
Rainer Mahr Mechanics and Infrastructure Telefon: +49-6159-71 2309 Room: BR2 1.116 Email: r.mahr(at)
Task Force on dealing with the effects of the war in Ukraine
Wed, September 18, 2024 | 2 p.m.Kleinplaneten-Entdeckungen des Physikalischen Vereins FrankfurtErwin Schwab, GSI/FAIRRegistration and further information
Guided tour at GSI/FAIR — book now!
Drone flight over the FAIR construction site
Girls'Day 2024 – We'll take part!
People...behind GSI and FAIR.
Next events
FAIR project evaluated by international group of experts
Events at GSI:GSI colloquiumAccelerator SeminarCalendar