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Screenshot of participating students from Egypt
Recently, the first international Heavy Ion Therapy Masterclass (HITM) school was held online for the duration of a full week. The school focused on treatment planning in heavy ion therapy, but also covered the entire path to deliver the beam to the tumor. It was organized within the framework of the EU-funded HITRIplus (Heavy Ion Therapy Research Integration) project, a large consortium where GSI leads the Transnational Access and participates in Joint Research Activities.

Visit to the FAIR construction site.
Member of the Bundestag Till Mansmann recently visited GSI and FAIR. He informed himself about the scientific activities and the progress of the future accelerator center FAIR, which is currently being built at GSI. The guest was welcomed by Professor Paolo Giubellino, Scientific Managing Director of GSI and FAIR, Dr. Ulrich Breuer, Administrative Managing Director of GSI and FAIR and Jörg Blaurock, Technical Managing Director of GSI and FAIR, as well as Carola Pomplun from the Press and Public…
