Many of Europe's biggest facilities in physics-related disciplines have just cemented a long-term deal to commit to sharing and processing open data. This agreement was signed at the “ESCAPE to the Future” conference, where partners of the European Science Cluster of Astronomy & Particle physics ESFRI research infrastructure (ESCAPE) project as well as members of the scientific community and the European Commission gathered at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Science in Brussels…

What happens in a supernova explosion? Why do we accelerate particles? What does the work of researchers involve? High school students can get to the bottom of these and many other questions in the interactive online events of "Meet a scientist". In a second period from November 21 to December 9, 2022, school classes will again have the opportunity to talk directly with scientists from the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung and the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in…

The Datacenter Strategy Award for Innovation, presented for the first time this year, was recently awarded to Dr. Helmut Kreiser, head of GSI and FAIR's Green IT Cube high-performance data center, at the Datacenter Strategy Summit 2022. The award recognizes GSI/FAIR's strategy to use the Green IT Cube as a living lab for developing new ideas and innovations in collaboration with startups, companies and research institutes.

On Thursday, November 3, the new research building of the Helmholtz Institute Jena was ceremonially opened after a construction phase of almost 2.5 years. Following a welcome by Professor Paolo Giubellino, Scientific Managing Director of GSI and FAIR, greetings were delivered during the ceremony by representatives of the State of Thuringia, State Secretary Dr. Katja Böhler for the Thuringia Ministery for Economy, Science and Digital Society, and State Secretary Professor Barbara Schönig ...

Maja Wallstein, member of the German Bundestag, recently visited GSI and FAIR. Central topics of her visit were the results of the FAIR review and the current scientific activities on campus.

During this year’s convention of the FAIR-GSI Exotic Nuclei Community (GENCO) in the framework of the NUSTAR annual meeting, the presentation of the Young Scientist Award as well as the admission of one new member took place. The FAIR-GENCO Young Scientist Award went to Dr. Jonas Karthein of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA. On the occasion of the award presentation a special colloquium with the title “New Horizons: ab initio exploration of exotic and heavy nuclei” was held…

Following the decision of the FAIR Council, the highest body of the FAIR GmbH’s shareholders, for an up-to-date review of the FAIR project, the international committee of experts appointed for the task has completed its final report. The decision was motivated by the challenging financial status of the project. The report has been presented at an extraordinary FAIR Council meeting on October 25th, 2022.

The European Union has awarded a total of 11.3 million euros over a period of six years to the HEAVYMETAL research project, which aims to investigate the synthesis of chemical elements in neutron star mergers. Privatdozent Dr. Andreas Bauswein, a researcher in the Theory Department of the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt, is part of the four-member international team that receives the funding as part of an ERC Synergy Grant. At GSI, currently the international…

The SPD member of the Federal Parliament and physicist from Jena, Dr. Holger Becker, came to GSI and FAIR to visit the FAIR construction site and to learn about the latest results in research and technology development. First, he was welcomed by Dr. Ingo Peter, head of public relations at GSI and FAIR. During a tour of the campus, he was able to see the UNILAC, the ESR, the Therapy Cave and the HADES detector and talk to scientists on site.