On Thursday, October 20, 2022, hosted by the Technical University of Darmstadt, the Start-up & Innovation Day will take place for the sixth time at the congress center “darmstadtium” in the city center of Darmstadt. This year, for the first time, GSI and FAIR will participate in the event and present their cooperation offer to start-ups in the context of technology transfer at an exhibition booth.

Recently, more than 150 leading scientists from research centers and universities all over the world convened at GSI/FAIR in a meeting of the international Quarkonium Working Group (QWG) for five days of intense discussion on the latest experimental results, theoretical developments, and new prospects for heavy-quarkonium physics.

From 4th to 7th October the Big Science Business Forum 2022 (BSBF2022) will take place, of which FAIR is a co-organizer. GSI/FAIR will send technical, scientific and administrative delegates to BSBF2022 in Granada. BSBF2022 participants will get the chance to get in depth knowledge of procurement plans for the FAIR project and liaise with its technical representatives.

After a two-year break due to the pandemic, 30 students from 16 countries came to GSI and FAIR this year for the Summer Student Program. They spent eight weeks on campus, learning about the experiments and research areas of GSI and FAIR and experiencing the daily work routine at an international accelerator laboratory.

From September 19 to 24, 2022, the science festival “Highlights der Physik” will take place in Regensburg. Central elements of the event are the large hands-on exhibition and the science shows as well as a lecture program. For those who cannot be there, numerous live streams are offered. GSI and FAIR will also be represented with a stand and will offer knowledge and entertainment about the future accelerator facility FAIR — “The Universe in the Lab” — which is currently under construction at GSI…

An international research team has succeeded in gaining new insights into the chemical properties of the superheavy element flerovium — element 114 — at the accelerator facilities of the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt. The measurements show that flerovium is the most volatile metal in the periodic table. Flerovium is thus the heaviest element in the periodic table that has been chemically studied. With the results, published in the journal "Frontiers in Chemistry",…

It is a high-quality training offer for young international scientists and has already attracted large attention from the international community: Currently 19 young researchers from ten countries come together during the “ESA-FAIR Radiation Summer School 2022” to work intensively on the topic of cosmic radiation. After two years of video school, the event is back in presence in Darmstadt. The Summer School for radiation research was jointly established by...

The ring accelerator SIS18 on campus at GSI/FAIR has been doing powerful work in accelerating ions for years. It is currently being upgraded for the central task it will undertake for the future FAIR accelerator center: It will serve as the injector for the large FAIR ring accelerator SIS100, the heart of the FAIR facility currently under construction at GSI. For the first time, booster operation has now been realized at SIS18, achieving the high repetition rate that will be needed in the future…

The working group for science and the arts of the CDU parliamentary group in the Hessian state parliament recently visited GSI/FAIR in the course of their summer trip. The four members of the state parliament Dr. Ralf-Norbert Bartelt, Andreas Hofmeister, Michael Reul und Frank Steinraths were accompanied by member of the Bundestag Dr. Michael Meister as well as Natalie Krause, State Chairwoman of the Association of Christian Democratic Students in Hesse. The guests were welcomed by Jörg…